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pleating using the oven.

- nylon and poplin

What I found here was that it is a technique I want to use in future designs, as the ability to pleat like this, is efficient and neat. It isn't a technique that is good for my swatch however. 

Issey Miyake 2018 resort

antipodium ss14



I did use the biofoam in my swatch and so needed to find the perfect consistency that looked like mucus/pus. What I found was that adding the pva glue made it stickier and more mucus like so I added that to my final swatch. I found this to be very cool, but after having finished a few swatches of this, I can't see myself using this too often in the future. but who knows.


I have used natural dyes in the past, as I enjoy the process and also love the fact that certain natural plants and items create such a pigmented effect. i liked the idea to start with that it is the mixing of food and fashion, which my swatch is heavily influenced by, but i didn't think this has a place in my swatch.

natural dyes - tumeric + tea

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